I am a freelance illustrator with experience in web layout, logo design, and layout for print. I have worked on several tabletop miniatures gamebooks and concept work for card and board games. I
am looking to expand my skills into concept art for games, both tabletop and digital.
The artwork presented on this site is a combination of freelance work and personal pieces I have done.
I can be reached via my email at alanwas@gmail.com.
Brink of Battle: Skirmish Gaming Through the Ages (Strategic Elite)
Epic Heroes: Skirmish Gaming in the Realms of Fantasy (Strategic Elite)
Scrappers: Post-Apocalyptic Skirmish Wargaming (Osprey Games)
Sometimes Little Wondrous Things (End Transmission Games)
Ugly Things (End Transmission Games)
Witches of the Revolution (Atlas Games)
Over the Edge (Atlas Games)
Wheel of Fortune: Wheel Across America California Coast (IGT)
Fort Knox: Majestic Gorilla (IGT)
Wheel of Fortune: Pink Diamond (IGT)
The Price is Right: Plinko (IGT)
The Price is Right: Showcase Showdown (IGT)